"We're all just fragile threads, but what a tapestry we make." – Jerry Ellis

Happy Friday!  Today I was going through old computer files to clear some electronic “clutter” when I found an old poem I’d written for a class taught by Eva Shaw called Writerrific: Creativity Training for Writers.  It’s been at least five years ago, and I couldn’t remember much about what was going on in my head when I wrote it.  What made me laugh was that my writing style is still…ME.  Some things never change.

Here it is, including the prompt that started it.

Okay, Amy. I have a special nudge for you. I want you to write a poem of possibilities that you can achieve.

The poem should begin with:

Writing comes easy. I’m such a nut
When glued to the typing chair with my petite, pretty butt.

Okay, now that you’ve fallen off your chair…seriously I want you to finish the poem and post it. No excuses.


Writing comes easy. I’m such a nut

When glued to the typing chair with my petite, pretty butt.

I ponder exchanges between characters cross

And when the protagonist cries, I lament her sad loss.


She is such a dear friend, unfolding her story

In my ear she whispers with details—all the gory.

The antagonist, she bellows inside my head.

“She’ll get under your skin,” her past lover has said.


Of course, this is chapter 3

There’s much more to the tale

I’ve only just finished where she’s first drunk on ale.

It’s funny, endearing, and so fun to write.

To finish this section, I’ll be up half the night.


Oh the words how they tumble

From somewhere deep in my soul

They flow from my fingertips,

Like the ultimate goal.


“What a delicious day writing!” I marvel aloud.

I finish my piece and walk away on a cloud.


Comments on: "The Achievable Poem" (2)

  1. Kristin Haynes said:

    Got a giggle out of me… I, of course, loved it! Curious – Did the Prof. love it too? Had your recurrent themes of scare/gore, beautiful vocab. Choices(big girl words), and BEER! At the end, NOW, just 5 years later? She could “click save, to store in the tablet’s Cloud”… So cool, huh? But you walking away in your cloud, is of course, you. “Head is always in the clouds, with that girl, I declare, Leona”… HA!


  2. Thanks, Kristin. I don’t remember what she said about it…probably something nice–generic, but nice. 🙂


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